Lymphocyte Proliferation Test

The High Potential of Measuring Lymphocyte Proliferation

The Lymphocyte Proliferation (LymPro) Test™ measures the immune proliferative response of white blood cells to mitogenic stimulation. Based on differences observed in the response of cells from patients with Alzheimer’s disease as compared with age-matched controls and patients with other dementias, it appears that the test has high potential as an adjunctive diagnostic for Alzheimer’s disease. Deployment includes initial IUO testing followed by full diagnostic testing for patients with MCI and dementia for differential diagnosis.

5.2 million

Americans have
Alzheimer's Disease

1 in 9

Americans over 65
have Alzheimer's


new Alzheimer's
every year

$1.2 trillion

projected market
by 2050

The TBIA Platform

Platform for screening of all cancers, starting with Breast Screens (TM-B1, TM-B2) and Colon Screen (TM-C1)

The Total Biochemical Infrared Analysis (TBIA) platform is a proprietary process for screening of solid tumors using peripheral blood spectroscopy analysis.

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